Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bodyweight exercise at home or workout in the gym?

Currently there are a myriad contrasting schools of thought in this regard. Personally I am on the side of the bodyweight school.

 Nevertheless, I do realise that working out in a gym has it benefits. These been having access to a wider variety of equipment. Especially dumbbells and barbells. I am not a big fan of exercise machines and would advise many gym members to steer clear of these. Why?

Well, we as human beings were designed to move and function as a whole unit. Not to sit in a machine and only work individual muscles. That is why bodyweight, dumbbell and barbell exercise are far superior and recommended over machines. Exercise machines are simply the flash in any modern gym!

Many gym members are been led to believe that more is better. That they simply cannot live without the new exercise machines or the latest fad classes or workout routines. Do not be fooled. You have all you need to get into the best shape of your life with you at ALL times. Your body.

No Gym Required
Once you have mastered bodyweight exercises and routines then you can add some variety by adding dumbbell and barbell workouts. But you DO NOT need the gym. And no gym means no gym memberships, no tedious travelling and no waiting for machines or equipment. EVER!!!

But let me state for the record right now, you do not need the gym but you may love the gym! That is ok. Just make sure that you put your time to good use in the gym with effective training and intensity. I spent many years working out in gym and I loved the atmosphere and friendship amongst my fellow weight lifters. But I came to work not to pose or piss about. Now I can achieve all that I did with weights by using bodyweight exercises. I will show to how as well.

Unfortunately, that is what many gym members do and then wonder why the never get any better. Through this blog I will be sharing my training principles and workouts routines for you to follow. To show you what is possible without lifting a single weight, sitting in any useless machines or running/cycling/rowing aimlessly on cardio machines!



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