Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What is Interval Training?

Interval training is more important than cardio. First of all, it gets more results in less time. And with “lack of time” being the number one reason most people do not participate in a training program at all, clearly intervals are the winner here.

Now let’s just assume that lack of time is not a problem, well, interval training is still more effective because it applies more “confusion” to the muscle. Or in scientific terms, interval training results in a greater metabolic stress on the muscle.

From there, the muscle must work to recover, repair, and replenish the energy that was used in the training. It is much more metabolic work for the muscle to recover from interval training (and strength training) then it is to recover from aerobic training.

Therefore, in the post-exercise period, interval training results in more calories burned.

In fact, Alwyn Cosgrove from Australia that shows interval training is superior to slow cardio for fat loss. The researchers, Trapp & Boutcher put WOMEN through a 15-week study where one group was a control, one group did intervals (20 minutes of alternating sprints and recovery), and one group did 40 minutes of slow cardio.

The interval group lost 2.5kg of fat in 15 weeks on average (with one subject losing 7. 7kg of fat), while the slow cardio group lost only 0.4kg of fat over 15 weeks!!

So don’t get hung up on how many calories are burned during a training session with aerobic training. That is not nearly as important as how many total calories your body burns over the course of the day – as you do with interval training.

And for those that subscribe to the fat burning zone as being important, again, you aren’t looking at the big picture (the 24-hour calorie burning period). Instead, those that believe in the importance of the fat-burning zone have a myopic view of how the body works.

So get intervalling!!! :-)

Yours in health,


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