So I did some research to find the 3 most common mistakes people make that contribute to the shortening of their life.
To insure that you live a long and productive life here are 3 things that you should not do.
1) Do NOT drink too much.
Consuming too much alcohol on a regular basis will play havoc with your liver and many of your other organs. I am not talking about only one drink a day. The worst is that you cannot see the damage it is doing until it is too late.
2) Not going to the doctor once your past 40.
Obviously, this is NOT a good idea. For anyone over 40 who is listening, stop being “too proud” to go to the doctor and get your butt in there every year. Take the tests they want you to take.
3) Not eating enough fruits and vegetables.
Most individuals diet are not so good. Believe it or not, many people live on coffee, toast, an egg, maybe a ham sandwich for lunch, too many beers, and a lot of candy (or sugar drinks or substitutes).
1) If you drink, do a mirror check. Are you drinking too much? Is it affecting your life? Your work? Your family? Look at your kids. Don’t you want to see them grow up and have kids of their own?
2) Are you active? Are you busy with projects and constantly learning or do you just watch TV?
3) Have you been to the doctor this year? Why not? Have you noticed something that just doesn’t feel right and should be checked out? Don’t be scared! Just go. Despite all the hard times that people give the medical industry, technology and medicine is catching cancer early and treating many of them well.
- Don’t be a stubborn old fool!
- Go to the doctor!
- Better you lose a little pride and gain a lot of years.
Yours in health for ever...
Bradley Ernstzen
Body by Bradley Weight Loss Membership Website
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